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New Business Capture plays a vital role in sustaining and growing revenue for the smallest to the largest of companies. Organic new business capture provides a higher return on investment over acquisitions and mergers, strengthens market brand recognition, and reinforces a single corporate culture with common values. For potential investors, a robust and vibrant new business capture activity leads the list of desirable attributes.

 The central role of new business capture as a core business process provides for full integration with all other core business processes. Improvements to the new business capture process carry over to improved performance of the entire enterprise.

PFCI is expert in designing and implementing new business capture processes.  With each engagement, our expertise ensures:

·    A custom process designed to accommodate existing best practices
·    Conscious maintenance of company cultural norms and organizational authorities
·    Full process documentation for rapid CMMI℠ and ISO™ certification and
·    Complete implementation support with professional coaching and direct
     on-the-job training
·    Rapid knowledge transfer via tools for a total self-reliant, organic capability
·    Full integration with other core business processes
Since 1985, PFCI consultants have designed and implemented new business capture processes for 8(a) small businesses to multiple divisions of all Tier 1 Federal Defense contractors. With each engagement, our clients are less dependent on outsourced business development services, and more self-reliant in capturing new revenue from new and existing customers. PFCI offers process design services for fully integrated Basis of Estimate, producing fully-justified and realistic cost estimates traced directly to offer design and solution architecture
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